Visit the cultural landscape KUJATAA
What is a cultural landscape
The cultural landscape, is the place where man and nature meet; the place where man comes and set its footprint, from here it can gontinue to other landscapes. It is a collective expression of a diversity of landscapes, each connected to a user.
The cultural landscape has a time depth, going back to the moment where man saw it for the first time. Sometimes the only trace can be small shavings of flint, from the creation of a tool; the remains of a meal or flat stones put together for a campfire. Yet it did mean that the landscape was now a part of somebody’s world of experiences. It would thereby exist in a memory, but only as long as there would be someone to remember it.
You can also talk about ‘a lost cultural landscape’. Here place names, interpretations and events connected to the landscape, disappeared along with the last user.
In South Greenland the user were the mideaval Norse peasants, who placed their farms near fresh water and fodder supply opportunities. The ruins of their activities can often be found near today’s Greenlandic farmers; their flocks of sheep now graze the same valleys and mountain slopes.
The Greenlandic cultural landscape reflects the conditions and, not least, the possibilities the different peoples met, and the answers given. The cultural landscape is the space were man finds place. Here he settles for shorter or longer periods of time, here he exist, live and die.
People actually live in the cultural landscape. Not alone do they live there, they live there and are still developing the profession.

Typical agricultural landscape, component area 2, photo Arnaq Bjerge KUJATAA
Visit the cultural landscape
You can experience KUJATAA by yourself or arrange your journey with the operators in the area. For further information
There are maps of the South Greenland and there are numerous possibilities for hiking within and nearby the world heritage area.
For shorter and longer hikes you have to be prepared for a hilly terrain. When the weather is moist and the land slippery, calculate plenty of time for the hike and wear proper footwear. You cannot expect either mobile coverage or meeting other people while hiking in the area. Therefore you should tell people where you go and when you expect to be back. If you are not experienced at hiking, we recommend that you take a guided hike.
Hiking safety
Rescue missions are unfortunately not uncommon. Serious accidents can be avoided by preparing before hiking. Here are some good advice from Visit Greenland’s homepage.
1. Your physical condition is of course relevant in terms of your hiking trip. You must choose the route according to whatever you’re able to manage.
2. Make sure you remember to submit your hiking route to a tourist office in the area in question. Tell them where you’re staying, where you’re going and when you expect to return.
3. The weather is crucial on a hiking trip. Listen to the weather forecast and pay great attention to the weather conditions.
4. Take advice from experienced hikers.
5. Be prepared for bad weather and accidents, even on short trips.
6. Always bring hiking maps and compass or GPS.
7. Never go alone.
8. Return before it gets critical.
9. Look for shelter while there’s still time.
10. Bring first aid equipment.
11. Bring extra warm and waterproof clothing, even on short trips.
12. Never litter and leave as little trace of your stay as possible
You can be charged the expenses of a rescue mission made necessary by negligent behaviour.
The park ranger in KUJATAA is supervising visitors and enforcing guidelines.
Park Ranger at E47 Igaliku, photo Alibak Hard KUJATAA
Supervision and dialogue
The tasks for the park ranger are to ensure
That rules are followed
That there is a good dialogue with the component users and
The facilities in the area are in good shape
The park ranger is in a whole year position at the world heritage office, but will often be found in the KUJATAA areas.
In winter she has administrative work at the office and among omany other things she is working with theme days on the schools in the region.
The park ranger speaks english, greenlandic and Danish. You are of course welcome to contact her if you meet her out there.
Take good care of KUJATAA
As a visitor you, as whenever and where ever you are a visitor, you should act respectfully. Some good advice are:
Do not throw garbage anywhere, not even toilet paper. All garbage should be brought back to the nearest waist disposal
Use the marked and the recommended paths; walk on the road
Avoid crossing the farmer’s fields and respect his crops – That’s what he lives from
Respect historical heritage. Never walk on ruins and graves
Respect other visitors – especially less mobile than you
Ask people before you take their picture
The Arctic nature is vulnerable. Do not pick the flowers and avoid damaging the vegetation
Use your common sence and do not put your life at risk – return if you are in doubt
The world heritage administration would like to hear from you if you experience irresponsible behavior within the area, so we can act on it.